
Cigar Factory New Orleans

was established in the city’s famous French Quarter District in 1999. The Owners of Cigar Factory New Orleans have been in the industry for 30 years, beginning in Las Vegas with Don Pablo Cigar Co, shortly thereafter opening the Cuban Cigar Factory in San Diego’s Gaslamp district, before returning the tradition of Cigar Making to The Big Easy.

Cigar Factory New Orleans has a loyal following with a long list of satisfied, repeat customers. The factory produces over 50,000 cigars per month between their two locations in The French Quarter. Cigar Factory New Orleans Cigars will be available in Retail Stores very soon. The main factory’s cigar museum houses the only known relics left from a bygone era of manufacturing in New Orleans from the late 1800′s, when its port received tobacco from Cuba and other Caribbean countries producing such famous brands as “El Trelles”, “Jose Vega”, and “La Belle Creole”.

One literally takes a step back in time when entering Cigar Factory New Orleans. It’s pulsating Latin sounds and aromatic scents beckon passers by to indulge in the rich history of the city and the tradition of fine cigar smoking. New Orleans is one of the last city’s where you can still enjoy your favorite cocktail and a hand-rolled cigar as you stroll down century old pathways and revel in the uniqueness that is “The Big Easy”.

As we say “Laissez les bon ton roule” ….. “Let the good times roll!”

Meet the owners


David Sharruf 

Born in Manilla, Philippines


  • Don Pablo Cigar Co. Las Vegas, NV. 1988
  • Cuban Cigar Factory San Diego, CA 1994
  • Cigar Factory New Orleans 1999
  • Cigar Factory Destin 2015
  • Cigar Factory Pensacola 2017


 ” Find what you love to do and you’ll never have worked a day in your life.”

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Shawna Sharruf

In my early 20’s I did what most college kids do. I bussed tables and bartended while finishing my degree in hotel restaurant management.   I started working with my father in San Diego in the mid 90’s at Cuban Cigar Factory where I did everything   from working the cash register to putting cellophane on cigars, and quickly discovered how much I enjoyed the history and tradition of fine cigar making.  During the next five years, I had decided that this was “my thing”. When my father sold the business in San Diego, I realized how important it was for me to carry on the family tradition and take a lead role in the next endeavor.

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Mission Statement:

To create one of the finest cigars you'll have the opportunity to smoke. 
From Cigar Maker's hands to Yours.  


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